Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

Friday, 25 January 2013

The meaning of life from a mother’s point of view

Life is full of uncertainties
I sit here thinking
Scared I must admit
With no power or control
God is my only guide

What would I do without you
Where would I go if I lost you
This life will have no meaning                                                                                  
That I say while tearing

Knowing it’s beyond me
Hoping and praying
I ask God to keep you safe
All the days of your life

May he grant me today
This wish in my heart
For me to always be there
In each and every step of the way

To see you grow into a man
That my grandchildren
And your grandchildren
We may see

Friday, 4 January 2013

God is great!

It is just occurred to me that I have been taking for granted that God is great. Throughout my pregnancy and to my delivery, God has been merciful to me. My baby is growing up quickly and surely, he has been blessed. Not once has he lacked, and even when he is not feeling well, he quickly recovers. There is nothing that I have done to deserve such love and mercy from my father up above.
I have decided, instead of complaining or worrying every time, I will praise his name. I will look up to Him for protection, provision and all that matters. I will do that which I can; I will do my best and leave the rest to the Lord. He is able. He has good plans for me and my child. I dedicate his life unto him and trust that he will always keep him.

I get rid of all bitterness. I declare today that I will only focus on the positive. My Jesus and I have a good thing going on and am not about to spoil that because I feel disappointed in man. After all, we have all sinned and fallen short of glory of God. The Bible further says that I should forgive the way I would like to be forgiven. Remember the Lord’s prayer,” … forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us…”.

God is great, He is so wonderful, He is so merciful to me!